Have you milked your Lymphatic system today?

Have you milked your Lymphatic system today?
Imagine yourself as lactating bovine ::
substituting milk for lymph in your mind ::
movement keeps the lymphatic system flowing in its prime ::
thus massaging your tissues maintains your health, divine!







Lymphatic tissue abounds in the breasts, chest, neck, & underarms.
The lymphatic system does not have its own dedicated circulatory organ (unlike the blood, for example, which has the heart as a hardworking pump).
The lymphatic system relies on muscle contractions / motion to carry lymph throughout the body ~ transporting immune agents (such as white blood cells) & detoxifying the body.
{ Somatic Magic} techiniques make possible the milking of lymphatic tissues through applying broad, soft rolling pressure in a patterned waveform.




Embodied education = embodieded = body school
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