Embodied Intelligence

Embodied Intelligence = peak information density

When you are able to communicate in greater nuance with your subconscious as it speaks through the body, you have access to a greater volume of direct data & thus can make more informed decisions {the conscious mind is a reducing value on this firehose, filtering for survival information}.

We encapsulate this process by calling it intuition. Guided by intuition, when you are able to accurately perceive + channel complex cause + effect & flow of energy you become exquisitely present + powerful, as you are recieving raw data & have the closest touch with source material, increasing your coherence to truth. Power in primacy of attention is widening the aperture to sense details of the moment with greater accuracy & responding flexibly.

Flexibility is power. That which is rigid breaks under unexpected vectors of tension. Flexibility of body creates flexibility of mind, with new optionality of directionally opening new cognitive capacities, novel connections, & innovation. SomasenZ the bodywork style I invented, at peak skill,  creates conditions of maximum flexibility in both giver + receiver through using the whole body as an exquisite sense organ & massage tool.

The more unfiltered your responses can be the more power is allowed though your vessel without loss in resistance. Another side effect to removing filters is unfettered creativity {Improvisation flows more freely when uncensored} for you are not as bound by existing structures & the limitations on imagination they impose. Reconciling + aligning your values + actions through deep practice is helpful in opening into ethical unfiltered responses.

I love my autistic brain because my bottom up processing, although laborious & challenging when attempting to adapt to an Allistic dominant world, makes me less succeptable to nonsensical social limitations {although it does make me prone to major + minor normative Allistic social blunders & the inherent shunning that often results}.

Embodied Intelligence is a right brain process. As a somatic genius doubly blessed with a high IQ I am able to take the typically ineffable felt sense gestalt of the right brain & translate it into the cognitive language of the left.

I am recieving advice that it is time to train my apprentices in both my way of sensing + theraputic bodywork, as demand for my finite time has surpassed all rational probability to provide even a fraction of the desire, and ideally all who wish to have the experience of empathically embodied accompaniment would have this form be accessible.

If you are interested in becoming a body genius, create an art portfolio representing what you wish our time together to teach you, your expansive edge, & your visceral visions of the future. I am only taking on a coven’s worth max in 2025 {with a preference for fewer for depth of transmission} for my apprenticeship, and 3 of the 13 have been claimed.

We are also seeking for our federally recognized church to be gifted a temple where these teachings can be transmitted.

May you be free in your body.

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