How to cultivate ‘Telepathy’

How to cultivate ‘Telepathy’

‘Telepathy’ is direct connection to universal consciousness. The Telepathy Tapes are opening the consciousness of many, but they did not share practical tips for how to cultivate this skill nor provide a disclaimer.

Telepathy is a Tradeoff

Permeability is intensely vulnerable. It becomes torturous to cause nonconsensual harm to others because you realize you are simply doing it to yourself. Hypocrisy becomes unbearable, there are no externalities. Your empathy becomes all encompassing. The process is not easily reversed in a healthy way {eg. Numbing out with substances + other maladaptive behaviors}. Our dominant culture is not supportive to this way of being, and your material existence will likely be dramatically destabilized, so it is wise to make peace with your end before you begin on this path.

Many stories I can share but aš small examples I am awakened by suffering on the other side of the globe, physical pain, sensing unsavory thoughts, etc. You become the sense organ and nervous system of the whole, and there are some intense control dynamics happening at this time.

Miracles / advanced healing is Tactile Telepathy

As an intergenerationally cultivated healer, the more I love someone the greater my capacity to heal them. The first consideration is that as much of them as possible needs to accept and desire the healing {IFS parts work may need to be a preliminary step}. Then the healer has to remove the barriers within them {judgement etc} that could block the high volume free flow of universal love through them as a channel towards the seeker. Ultimately love is freedom and spatial sovereignty. Unless there is a new pattern put into place in the space cleared, the old pattern will creep in and re establish itself {integration is essential garden Tending / weeding}.

For many, connection is strengthened by being in physical contact. The healer is the seed crystal or the catalyst precipitating ‘invisible’ material out of a liquid solution.

The medium matters less than the purity and intensity of the love {psychological studies show modality matters naught compared to rapport between therapist and patient}. However, certain issues in the seeker may be more suited to certain healers with particular experience / the healing will be expedited and more easeful all around. The healer has to be deeply ethically initiated or this holy work devolves into power plays {why I wrote my second book Guide for Guides}.

Only proceed if you’ve read ‘Guide for Guides’ and evaluated your ethics thoroughly, considered the tradeoffs, and your heart calls you towards supporting humanity and greater wholeness in this labor of love.

How to develop ‘Telepathy’

Make the barrier between your conscious and subconscious more permeable. Some of us {autistics} naturally have more flow, but anyone can work on permeating this membrane. How?

A. Strengthening your intuition {my first book corporeal consent outlines this}. Develop awakeness of your somatic symbology, idiosyncratic synchronistic language.

B. Cultivate reliable healthy trance technologies. {breath work, singing, dance, movement arts, ritual, meditation}

C. Practice astral projection + lucid dreaming

D. Expand your capacity for unconditional love. Love lubricantes this process, so practicing Metta or other loving kindness meditations is supportive.

E. Face your fears regarding ego dissolution / ‘end of life’.

Each of these is deserving of at least another post so stay tuned.

I am teaching only a Coven’s worth on Corporeal Consciousness this year, certifying apprentices in the lineage. If you are wishing to accelerate your process and are ethically resonant, reach out.

It has been rewarding to teach future generations these skills as children have less societal conditioning to work through and their innate skills are more accessible.

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