An ecosystemically ecosensual ritual reuniting ravenously in rapture

Ravenous Ritual Rapture : Return of Light-Heartedness
In dedicating life to co-creating novel forms of giving + receiving love, ceremony continues to catalyze celebratory compassionate collective corporeal consciousness. We meet in the field, feeling feeling felt.
Sharing gifts aš media maven creative doula director + ritual writer of Rose Collective’s TTITH snowy Novemburrr full ovulating moon therapeutic theatrix offering to oneness.
Blessed Yule, longest night, welcoming return of enlivening light. We dream in darkness, seeds slumbering under soil sublimating soma into spirit.
Soulstice themes include : feral feminine forward first woman Lilith’s Garden of Eaten created after leaving Eden in sWitchy somatic sovereignty, feeding our constrictive ~ transforming into constructive ~ creative daemons, Crone, compost, fertile void, unending life in free flowing forms of mother matter matrix, collective consciousness through corporeal celebration.
pARTicipation promoted :
ARTifacts :
gather : banana {can sub cucumber // felleatable fruit} + ballpoint pen
{{ambitiously : compost cauldron + sacred soil in spring water for anointing}}
Content considerations for engorging ecosensual mastication meditation :
Innocent innuendos + intoxicating images of intimate apparel.
This vers is 21 min even tone low speaking audio + 34 min video {originally silent, ceiling projection}.
Most liberating when feeling fully free to make loud sounds along prompting.
Wishing additional co/creating of ceremonial spaces + creative doulaing you into Theraputography media making session{s}, please consider my presence.
What novel aspects of your life wish to be honored by ceremony?
Great gratitude to siren snakes + all that were willing to be seduced into sensual consumption. May you be consumed in pleasure.
📸 Meisha Mock
Ritual Script
The ceremony will begin soon. As we create a container, closing our doors to the external for a period of inner reflection, we wish for you to be in maximum choice around your participation. This will be an approximately 20 minute ecosensual experience, and if you need to leave at any time please do so conscientiously. We value sovereignty and consent highly in the Garden of Eaten, and you are at choice in your level of participation. Make accommodations and adjustments as your body requests. You will know the ceremony is complete when we open our doors again to the outside world.
In sacred space, we begin.
Come closer humanimals and creatures of all forms, all are welcome here in this permissionary paradise.
We gather you here tonight in the light of the full ovulating moon in the Garden of Eaten for an ecstatic ecosensual Eleusinian rite to restore balance. For as we have all been noticing, ego is egregiously extracting from the ecosystem and it is time to shed these asphyxiating attachments.
I am Lilith, the first woman, created simultaneously with Adam. You’ve probably heard of him from the books of men. Due to my lack of domestication as humanity’s first woman I was edited out of those tales.
{Lilith brandishes a banana, points around, and gesticulates with it to punctuate points}.
What a role to be cast in fresh from the void!
Before Eve, it was just Adam and I in the Garden. Then Adam began demanding I submit to him, without any safe words! Can you imagine the fake dom entitlement?! I told him we were equals and that if he cared enough to ask, he would have heard I’m a switch – I like to be on top sometimes! Sadly, his fragile ego was not open to negotiation or sharing power with the feral feminine in her freaky freedom.
So I chose to leave that unevolved brat to create this place of scrumptious sovereignty, the Garden of Eaten.
Here we embrace all parts of the holy whole of the cycle. Only cancer refuses to die, killing the host that does not correct its selfish behavior. In our holistic system, the dark fertile soil of what once was is our cauldron of transmutation. In surrender to the good of all, we are given eternal life through the ecosystem, Gaia transmuting our forms in an unending river across timespace.
My sweet snakes now will share the fruitful recundity of the earth with you in these luscious rods of love, which you call bananas.
{sirens start passing out bananas and ballpoint pens}
Banana Writing
On the skin of this golden wand write or illustrate the old skin you wish to shed, this offering to oneness with all parts of yourself, Eater and Eaten edified in Eden.
Take on the side of yourself that has been in the shadows. Let that part pilot the pen.
What are you willing to shed to let more life in?
Take your time. Tattoo this living wood with the deepest release your heart has to offer. Weed a space in the garden of your spirit for your coming growth to find purchase. Discern those roles, aspects, or expectations that are choking out more life and go to their roots.
Through Gaia’s great alchemical mercy, she receives old selves and forms, composting them into rich soil, from which the seeds of new possibilities can sprout.
In a more luscious and lascivious ecosensual evolution of the Tibetan practice, we will be offering these girthy golden Chodes as a feast for our honored guests, our malnourished shadows, our demons. Shadows relish consuming your ego attachments and your treasured beliefs. Your love and compassion will revert them from feared and famished to their original essence – as the guardian to your creative guiding spirit, golden shadow, your daemon.
The rejected aspects of ourselves are externally projected, assuming the forms of evil and temptation in our external world. But if there is permission there is no shame in temptation, for it is eros moving through you seeking expression through your embodiment as an instinctual instrument. The more narrow and restrictive the culture in which we live, the larger will be the collective shadow, taking on huge threatening proportions. Your shadow is welcome here to fully express, as long as it is not harming anyone else.
Our greatest motivators are fear or love, and here in the Garden of Eaten we choose love to liberate us from the fetters of fear.
When you are done writing, close your eyes and hold this girthy earthly rod to your heart in hibernation. For when snakes are ready to shed they stop moving, and you can see that their eyes are clouded over with their old scales, obscuring the clarity of their external sight, and turning them naturally to their inner world of dream vision.
As you prepare to shed your skin, let the scales of scale fall from your eyes and surrender into the greater sense of interconnectedness.
Like the snake, we are all experimental expressions of Gaia exploring herself in relation, clothed in the borrowed body of her bones. May we give gratitude for this deep level of selfless generosity – to share your body with another so that they may experience life is the greatest gift that can be given.
Pluripotency of physicality, porous, you pour us, from one form into another.
May you guard the boundaries of your self less jealously – we all make and unmake one another, knitting, weaving, warp and weft wantonly.
Time is a spiral, cyclical layers reaching for growth like a coiling pea shoot seeking purchase. Feel gaia playing with the free flowing forms of life which adapt to their context, playful physicality across an eternal timescale. If you wish to return to form, the great matter, mother matrix will always provide her body as sculpting material. Each being finding a place, a role in the whole.
Rest in the fertile void of the collective subconscious, that place of potential energy. Here there is infinite compassion, an intuitive understanding of the causes of all your mistakes and missteps, transgressions forgiven even as there is nothing to forgive, for what you do, you do only to yourself.
The ego fears death, but it is just a change of form. That which you consume, becomes you. The soft inside of everything, the belly, digestion, is the restful darkness that sustains the movement of life. If we scrubbed away all the dirt we would have nowhere to place our seeds.
If you feel. Called speak what you wish to release.
3. Banana Interaction
What is the most pleasurable way to allow a new beginning to seed inside of you? Well, after much experimentation, we found that this tasty tool, {holds up banana and mimes using it as a self-pleasure tool in the air}, is incredibly intelligently designed to hit all the pleasure spots inside our orifices.
Can you feel the pulse of life within this luscious rod seeking liberation?
It is said we must shed our belongings to enter the kingdom of heaven. So now, just be, longing.
Seek the seam of your golden wand, stroke the soft supple smoothness, feeling the erecting edge of ravenous readiness.
{sirens start to peel their bananas}
Now, retract the foreskin from the sweet meat, being tender as you strip old protective stories, defenses, and veils away from the scrumptious sensitive shaft. Feel yourself unsheathing, becoming raw and ripe.
Now, summon the seed of the new self you wish to fertilize onto the tip of your tongue. Channel that divine spark within you into increasing brilliance, volume, and charge.
Pause, drooling, dripping with receptivity, feel the ache of anticipation, an emptiness wishing to be full. Lengthen into your longing. Here your desire is desired. Let the wind of your passion fill your sails to full mast.
The pulsing, throbbing power of potential energy is curled like a snake at the base of your coxyx tail, let it rise like an erect cobra, springing and spiraling up your spine and into the sky through your crown.
As we begin our mastication mediation, you are invited to suckle the tip, the tempting teat.
Your dameon may have impatient hot blood. Remember the only sin is that of speed. Move at the pace that you can sense your impact. Court kairos, sacred time. Go with the natural sway of the seasons, the pulses of dawn and dusk, the meandering of rivers. Savor the flavor.
Slowly trace your tongue along the full length of this tumescence, feeling how your breath warms the fortifying member. Swirl and suck like licking soft serve ice cream. Let the sweetness set you ablaze, caramel oozing molten candied sugar.
With tenderness, take a slow, sweet, savoring nibble. Now, release your ravenousness. There is no shame in the temptation to devour, the urge to merge, becoming both beloved and beloved.
One of the few places the ego allows itself to die to the greater realization of onenness is in le petit mort – the little death – known colloquially as an orgasm. The only way out of the closet is through, and in play we learn most rapidly.
Did you know that gagging stimulates the vagus nerve and regulates the nervous system? Why would Gaia wire our bodies that way if she didn’t want us to be filled allllll the way up?
For those who seek a deeper surrender to oneness, relax your throat into receptivity, and see how much you can fit inside you.
As you demonstrate your prowess in taking in this tender flesh, feel the fecundity of the Earth’s girth. Let yourself expand into the ecosystem, where we are all connected, entangled at every level of matter and energy.
Let this fertilize you, filling you from the inside.
Lose yourself in the abandonment of self-consciousness.
May consuming give pleasure.
May you be consumed with pleasure.
Now, my fellow snakes will collect your shed for the Crone’s composting cauldron for transmutation, offering your dreams to the great stream of consciousness. May that which we have outgrown fuel the Phoenix fire of our future rise.
{snakes gather banana peels in bowls and offer to compost cauldron as they say ‘may you be consumed with pleasure’}
4. Giving Birth
{sirens put the banana peels ritualistically into the cauldron}
And now with our creative spirits fed and our canvas clear, we are ready for rebirth.
Hold your beautiful belly, dear ones. here, all creation stirs. Feel the weight of the new self, forming from the fertile void. Tonight, you are both mother and child, birthing your becoming into the world.
As we ready ourselves for this ritual birth, we will practice the ancient art of breath. Close your eyes. Relax your jaw, your lips, your face—soften. This birth is not one of strain, but of surrender into the pleasure of opening wider then you thought possible.
Inhale deeply through your nose. Feel your belly expand with the vastness of potentiality. Exhale now—slowly, steadily. Allow everything that is not your becoming to release with this breath.
Together we relax into rhythm: in through the nose, out through the mouth. Rising like the tides, ebbing and flowing. Each breath bathing the spaces within you that are ready to be born anew.
Inhale: the pulse of life fills you. Exhale: surrender what is no longer needed.
You are not alone in this labor. The Earth herself is with you. She is moaning, groaning, pushing through you.
{sirens moan with pleasure and pain}
You are the portal between what was and what will be.
Feel the heat of creation moving through you. With your next exhale, imagine pushing, not with pain but with pleasure. This is an organic orgasmic birth!
{sirens feel their wombs and groan}
On the next inhale, feel your fullness, the crowning, the taut threshold before you meet your future self. Hold yourself in that place of maximum expansion, let yourself stretch wider than you knew possible… Push not with strain but in surrender to life moving through you.
The throat and hips are analogous, opening the voice opens the womb. Sound supports surrender.
Moan if it feels good, release what’s been holding you back. Each breath becomes a moan, each moan becomes a howl. Feel the vibration of your voice, moving through your body, shaking, loosening.
Now, together, with one voice, let us give the final push to birth this new self. We are all in this sacred labor, woven together. As we release, we create. Let us cry out together, each birthing our new form into existence. Our voices are the roar of the Earth herself.
{together everyone releases a primal scream}
You are both the fruit and the soil.
Let your new self emerge fully into this world. Let it cry out with the joy of being born anew. Let your waters release! Stretch and squirm in this new spaciousness!
You have been reborn, but you are still of this earth, cradled by her. Breathe into your awakened senses with the wonder of oneness projected into the prism of personhood.
Now, our sweet snakes will come and anoint you with red ochre upon your third eye, to keep your visions for your new form of being open through the chapters yet to come this evening, and beyond.
{ ‘Apples to apples, lust to lust.’}
May you be consumed in pleasure.
May you be reborn each breath, as ecstatic ecosystem embodied.
The circle is open and yet unbroken.